Feb. 2, 2018—A new University of Maryland video posted Jan. 25 on YouTube includes a segment spotlighting a new partnership between Collington and UMD’s School of Music. Since August, music graduate students Samantha Flores and Matthew Rynes have been living at Collington, where they receive free room and board in exchange for performing regularly and organizing additional concerts and educational programs for residents.
In his narration of the video, University of Maryland President Wallace D. Loh explains: “This year two Maryland students are exploring how music can enrich the lives of senior citizens. They are living with seniors in a retirement community and designing music programs for them. What a great example of our students who do good.”
The segment about grad music students at Collington begins at the 43-second mark in the video, which runs a little under 3-minutes long.
Click here to read more about the artists-in-residence program at Collington.