October 15, 2019 —By Frances Kolarek —
The mystery is: Why do we read so little about the up side of age. Oliver Sacks has done us all a huge favor with his recent article “The Joy of Old Age. (No Kidding.)”.
And I want to jump on Dr. Sacks’’ bandwagon.
Yes, we old are happy. Let’s get the word out.
The Up Side of being old remains untold and undocumented. Are we old people too slow, too tired or too busy keeping our minds, bodies and spirits in top shape to spread the word?
It’s time for us to shout from the rooftops. Age brings happiness, joy, grandchildren, great grands, a sense that we can thumb our nose at the future with an extra martini or a second helping of chocolate cake. And surprise! There continues to be sex in our lives. The libido never dies.
Oh yes. there are delights galore.
These pages are an appreciation of age, from the computer of a 97-year-old woman, along with some thoughts about staying happy and healthy and having fun, even though we are old.